Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ducks in a Row

So, I've been spending a good bit of my summer devoting time to

1.) My 13 pet ducks.

2.) My surprisingly successful garden. (Have I mentioned that my mother is extremely jealous?)

So, I am going to share some pictures of these highly time-consuming endeavors. I know, I know, I've just been sooo busy this summer....

"Farmer's Market Challenge" Outcome

We did it! We survived a month of only purchasing Farmer's Market food.
I will, however, admit to going to Broad Ripple's Kroger to purchase the ingredients
for Joanna's birthday grasshopper pie.

I don't believe the challenge was difficult enough because we had dried/canned/frozen goods
in our house. So, I plan to give the challenge another chance when I return from Switzerland in
January. Weezer and I's anticipated apartment is conveniently located a few blocks from a winter's farmer market as well as the Indianapolis City Market downtown.

To give our challenge the extra step, Joanna and I biked every time we went to the markets. I have to admit that I have grown quite fond of Ron, owner of Locally Grown Gardens on 54th street - he's got that sexy, earthy, older hippy thing going for him. Needless to say, I'll be a loyal customer to his establishment.